"Devil's Due" is the thirteenth episode of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series ''Star Trek: The Next Generation'', originally aired on February 4, 1991 in broadcast syndication in the United States. Based on an episode written by William Douglas Lansford for the planned ''Star Trek: Phase II'' (1978) television series, it was adapted for ''The Next Generation'' by Philip Lazebnik and directed by Tom Benko. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS ''Enterprise''-D. In "Devil's Due", the crew of the ''Enterprise'' confront an individual claiming to be Ardra (Marta DuBois), a mythological entity from the planet Ventax II. She claims that the planet, and the orbiting ''Enterprise'', are her legal property due to an agreement signed a thousand years earlier. Together, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the crew reveal Ardra to be a con artist, leading to her arrest by the Ventaxian authorities. Numerous changes were made from the original ''Phase II'' script, with only the general theme of the episode remaining. Originally pitched for use during season three, following changes made it was added to season four. Critical reception of the episode has been mixed, with it generally being thought to be very reminiscent of ''Star Trek: The Original Series''. ==Plot== The USS ''Enterprise'' receives a distress call from Dr. Howard Clarke (Paul Lambert), the leader of a Federation scientific delegation on Ventax II, where the population is in a state of panic because they are convinced that their world will soon end. After the ''Enterprise'' arrives, they rescue Dr. Clarke who brings them up to date: a thousand years ago, according to Ventaxian history, the population entered a Faustian deal with Ardra, their mythology's devil. In exchange for ending wars and restoring the ecological balance, and improving their heavily polluted planet, the population would become the personal slaves of Ardra a thousand years later. As the millennium is about to come to a close, the planet has recently begun experiencing mild earthquakes as well as seeing images of Ardra in the skies. These were said to be signs of her arrival. As Captain Picard and Commander Data (Brent Spiner) discuss the matter with the Ventaxian leader (Marcelo Tubert), a woman appears in the chamber, announcing herself as Ardra. She proves her identity by starting an earthquake at will, and transforming into both the Christian and then the Klingon devil. Ardra states that she has come to claim the planet. Picard is instantly suspicious and orders Data to examine the contract that supposedly was signed by Ardra and the leaders of the planet a thousand years ago. Picard returns to the ''Enterprise'' afterwards, and Ardra appears on the bridge sitting in the Captain's chair. Security Chief Worf (Michael Dorn) tries to remove her without success, Data returns just then and confirms the language of the contract as well as Ardra's claim to the planet, including anything in orbit, including the ''Enterprise''. Later, in a meeting with the senior staff, Picard expresses his belief that she is a con-artist and points out that all of her "powers" can be recreated with theatrically delivered technology. After the meeting, Picard goes to bed for the evening. As Picard sleeps, Ardra appears and tries to seduce him but he rejects her. She transports him to the planet dressed in his pyjamas. Data comes to collect Picard by shuttle after Worf is unable to transport him back the normal way. When Picard and Data attempt to return to the ''Enterprise'', the ship disappears. Not knowing what to do, they return to the planet. Citing old legal precedent, Picard calls for a Ventaxian arbitration hearing, which Ardra agrees to as long as Data acts as the arbitrator, as he will act with impartiality, to which Picard agrees. During the course of the hearing, Chief Engineer La Forge (LeVar Burton) and Clarke discover that Ardra has a cloaked ship nearby, that she is indeed using technology to simulate magic, and that she is a known criminal. Picard has an away team led by Commander Riker (Jonathan Frakes) take control of Ardra's ship, giving Picard control of Ardra's "powers". He demonstrates the fraud and she is taken into custody by local authorities. Picard explains to the leader of the planet that the people themselves improved their planet gradually through hard work and dedication. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Devil's Due (Star Trek: The Next Generation)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク